Variable fees
The following course fees are set by individual Brain Gym Instructors. The fees listed are ballpark figures only as they may vary by region, Early Bird discounts, multiple booking discounts, review sessions and how payment is made. All prices include the authorised course manual. Check with your Instructor if the course cost includes evaluating your case studies after the course.
- Brain Gym 101 (32 class hours): £455-£550. The Brain Gym 101 course fee includes:
- registration on the Educational Kinesiology Trust UK & Ireland national database
- a year’s student membership
- Optimal Brain Organisation (21 class hours): £275-£325
- Touch for Health (32 class hours): £400-£425
Set fees
Other courses are taught by Faculty members and have set prices. Early Bird fees are paid in full in advance:
- Educational Kinesiology In Depth: the 7 Dimensions of Intelligence (40 class hours): £525 Early Bird.
- Brain Gym Instructor Training (40 hours + evening project work): £595 Early Bird.
- Brain Gym 101 Instructor – Mentoring Programme (co-teach two Brain Gym 101 courses with pre-course mentor meeting, course planning guidance, feedback and evaluation): £450 per course. The mentee is encouraged to bring participants to attend the course and receives a percentage of the profits from these participants’ fees.
Home study and evaluation
Students are required to complete practical home study hours after most courses, putting into practice what they have learnt. These case studies and projects are written up by the student. The course Instructor provides written feedback and is on hand to support you on your learning journey.
The mentoring times are between 1 and 3 hours per course, depending on the course and the proficiency of the work submitted.
The standard home study review hours for each course are prescribed by the Trust and Instructors may exceed this only by prior agreement with students. The home study evaluation rate is usually £30-£35 per hour. Some Instructors include case study evaluation in their course fees, so please check this with your Instructor when booking a course.