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Professional Level 1 training
Brain Gym® Movement Facilitator Training Programme
Brain Gym® 101
Brain Gym® Movement Facilitator Accreditation Course
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Optimal Brain Organisation
Touch for Health
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Course feedback
First Name
Last Name
Which course are you giving feedback about?
Brain Gym 26 Movements – BG104
Balance for Daily Life – BG101
Brain Gym 26 Movements Facilitator – BG110
Was your primary intention on coming on the course to teach the BG104?
Who was your course instructor?
– Select –
Evelyn Moniram
Florence Chabert d’Hieres
Gill Brooksmith
Helen Amstel
Hindy Sugarman
Janice Graham
Jennifer Hand
Karen Murphy
Kay McCarroll
Kirsten McLaughlin
Lisa Absalom
Louise Cooke
Louise Kyffin
Mandy Holt
Niki Honoré
Padraig King
Paula Jewsbury
Sian Worth
Sue Peace
Suzanne Roberts
Ursula Smith
Was this an online course?
How do you intend to use what you have learned?
What did you want to learn from this course?
What changes did you notice through experiencing the Brain Gym programme?
What new skills have you learnt on this course?
How did this meet your aims in attending the course?
How could your learning have been better supported?
What could have been included in the course or done differently?
Which part of the course would you have liked to spend more time on?
Which part of the course would you have liked to spend less time on?
How was the length and pace of the course for you?
How did you find the presentation style of the instructor?
How did your instructor meet your learning needs?
If there is anything you wish to clarify relating to the course content, please explain what this is
What additional materials (if any) would have helped your learning experience?
What was your biggest takeaway from this course?
What post-course support were you offered?
Is there any other post-course support you would like?
What would you say to others about the benefit of taking this course?
Help us to encourage other people to attend this class
Are you happy to have your anonymised comments on the benefits of taking this course quoted in marketing materials
About the venue
What comments would you like to leave about the venue? (Location, space, refreshments etc)
Is there anything that would have improved your experience of the venue?
I consent to the Educational Kinesiology Trust storing this information for the purpose of maintaining the quality of the training programme and for marketing purposes provided permission has been given above
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