About me
My Edu-K qualifications:
Areas I work with:
Age groups worked with:
Further information about me:
Other professional qualifications:McTimoney Chiropractor for Humans and Animals. Kay has clinics in London, in Scotland (Inverness and Keith) and in Orkney. Kay is also qualified to teach Hyperton-X, a muscle technique for sports problems.
Other information about me:I was introduced to Brain Gym in 1983 after I had found that I was dyslexic while training to become a Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy Counsellor.. This completely changed my life and as I could see the changes it made for others, I became a Brain Gym Instructor in 1986 and traveled the UK teaching this method to parents, children and teachers. I then founded the Educational Kinesiology UK Foundation in 1989 (now the Educational Kinesiology Trust). At the same time I became UK Faculty for the International Foundation. Having had trouble learning at school, I was then able to train as a McTimoney Chiropractor for Humans in 1987 and later for Animals in 1993.
I now travel the world teaching all the above courses and Hyperton-X classes, and I train and mentor others to Instructor and Faculty level. In my previous working life, I spent 20 years in business as a Secretary and PA and worked in HR, Exporting and Marketing. I use Brain Gym and Edu-K every day of my life as this is a tool anyone can use at any time for stress, self development, attaining achievements in school work, in business, etc. I would not be where I am now without the Brain Gym exercises and the Edu-K balancing techniques.
I can recommend this to anyone of any age. The work is easy to learn, and is something you will value for the rest of your life. Kay.