Level 2 » Brain Gym Instructor Training

  • The Brain Gym Instructor Training invites participants to present and demonstrate their knowledge, skills and experience of the programme, focussing on what has been learnt in Brain Gym 101. The training is the final module to become a licensed Brain Gym Instructor. The presentations are evaluated to help with further learning and feedback given by the Faculty Instructor and class participants in a sharing and positive environment. Participants are encouraged to begin their delivery of the Brain Gy 101 course by co-teaching with other graduates or with an experienced Instructor if they wish to or their Faculty Instructor has suggested this might be helpful. Ongoing mentoring is always available in the phase after qualification.

    Key programme details
    Class hours
    40 hours

    Delivery mode

    Practical, experiential


    Contact your chosen Instructor for individual course fees

    General fees and package payment information

    Qualification level
    Professional Level 2 course

    Location and dates

    Find course dates and booking details for the UK & Ireland

    Pathway to:

    Educational Kinesiology Consultant
    Professional Level 2


    Key outcomes
    • Share with the group and the Faculty Instructor what you have learnt during your Brain Gym training.
    • A supportive environment in which to practise presenting the Brain Gym 101 course.
    • An opportunity to further resource your presentation skills in the company of experienced Instructors.
    • Receive and give feedback from the other class participants and the Instructor.
    • Explore ways of presenting the Brain Gym 101 course and continue to hone your insights, understanding and skills.
    • Take advantage of various additional support and mentoring options after completion of the class.
  • What will I learn on the course?

    How to develop and communicate your unique way of teaching the Brain Gym 101 course with all the supportive resources of your class group and Faculty Instructor.

    The activities

    • Review all 26 of the Brain Gym activities, their variations and how they can be adapted for different situations, audiences and clients.

    The concepts

    • Review the core concepts of the Brain Gym programme and develop your own ways of communicating them to audiences of different kinds.

    The techniques

    • Review the techniques for effective use of the Brain Gym activities.
    • Explore different ways of teaching the Brain Gym balances.

    After the course

    You will receive a Certificate of Attendance from your Faculty Instructor on completion of the full class hours. On completion of all the training requirements you will sign a licence as a Brain Gym Instructor with the Educational Kinesiology Trust – or your home country Affiliate organisation. You are now licensed as a Brain Gym Instructor to teach the Brain Gyn 101 course and other trainings, such as seminars, on the Brain Gym programme.

    After the course

    The course is taught by Faculty Instructors. These Instructors undergo substantial additional training to be accepted as Faculty members and deliver the Educational Kinesiology In Depth: Seven Dimensions course. They have to be approved at an international level as having met the required training standards, as well as mentoring and sponsorship criteria. They must be professional members in good standing of the Educational Kinesiology Trust in the UK and the International Educational Kinesiology Foundation.

    Do you have any further questions?

    If you have any questions, contact one of the Faculty Members – Kay McCarroll, Niki Honoré or Suzanne Roberts – who will be happy to discuss them with you. Alternatively you can email us.

    Key information about this course

    40 hours

    Class time




    Concepts & background

    30 hours

    Home study

    Gateway to:

    Educational Kinesiology Consultant
    Professional Level 2

  • Under construction.
  • Find course dates and booking information