Related courses

Have you attended an Edu-K course and wanted to know more about a particular aspect of what you have learnt, for example, motor development? Perhaps you would like to understand more about the way the Edu-K programme relates to other similar approaches and can be integrated with them?  Many Brain Gym Professionals are trained in related programmes and these courses offer the opportunity to extend your skills at an introductory or advanced level.

Rhythmic Movement Training Levels 1-3

Instructor: Janice Graham
Dates: Course dates
Location: Midlands
Short synopsis: On these courses participants learn the basics of the Rhythmic Movement Training: how rhythmic movements can be used to assist in regulating muscle tone; stimulating the connections between the cerebellum and the neocortex, especially the frontal lobes in order to improve attention and control impulses.

The course also includes examining the role of the primitive reflexes in development & how to integrate each one using rhythmic movements and isometric pressure.

There is no pre-requisite for these courses and they are suitable for OTs, PTs, teachers, special needs educators, early childhood workers, behavioural optometrists, kinesiologists, caregivers and parents.